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Liu Sihui/刘思慧

b. 1992

刘思慧于法国布尔日国立高等美术学院纯艺术专业硕士毕业,以摄影录像为媒介,对图像媒体进行边界探索。并于夜间拍摄中,结合其光的运用在 “rerenchantement du paysage” 景观的狂喜般再现”里,试图感知影像艺术里的万物有灵。作品曾在巴黎Poush当代艺术中心等地展出。

Graduated with a master's degree in pure art from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-arts in Bourges, France. She uses photography and video as media to explore the boundaries of image media. In the night shooting, combined with the use of light in the "rerenchantement du paysage" landscape of ecstasy reproduction, attempts to perceive the animism in the video art. His works have been exhibited at the Poush Center for Contemporary Art in Paris.

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