Wanyue An/安琬越
b. 1996
1996年出生于重庆,跨学科艺术家,目前居住在洛杉矶。加州艺术学院摄影系研究生,Lillian Disney奖学金获得者。她的作品利用摄影、雕塑和行为艺术表演来探索图像的存在的边界,探讨个人主义、女性主义和社会之间的关系。作品曾展出于“巢向内外”华泰美术馆 2021;个展“Fragile” Phyllis Gill Gallery 2020, "Sensual Group Show" 2019, 和"Ominous Music Plays" Sweeney Art Gallery Los Angeles 2019。
Wanyue An (b. 1996) is a multidisciplinary artist who currently resides in Los Angeles. MFA student with Lillian Disney Scholarship at the California Institute of the Arts. Her work utilizes photography, sculpture, and video to explore the boundaries of the image and individual existence. She has exhibited locally and internationally, including the “巢向内外” at the Tai Art Museum Shanghai in 2021, the solo exhibition “Fragile” at the Phyllis Gill Gallery in 2020, the “Sensual Group Show” in 2019, and the“Ominous Music Plays” at the Sweeney Art Gallery Los Angeles in 2019.