Sihan Cui/崔思晗
b. 1996
出生于太原的影像工作者,研究生毕业于纽约视觉艺术学院摄影影像与媒体专业,目前工作生活于纽约,致力于和纪录片和纪实摄影制作。她的作品一直关注在社会群体的多元化、社会少数群体的生活现实以及公众对他们的刻板印象等议题上。纪录台湾槟榔西施的摄影项目 《“520”》曾在第十七届平遥摄影节上展出。移居纽约后,她注意到中国移民在纽约的 生活状况非常特殊和复杂,尤其是对于 1980 年代后移居纽约的“新移民”而言。由此,她开 始关注中国劳工移民在美国的生存情况,并一直致力于一系列相关项目。其中,摄影项目 《365 天之后》在包括位于布达佩斯的 Ph21 画廊在内的多个展览中展出,并在包括 Dodho 杂志在内的多个出版物上发表。
Sihan Cui is a documentary photographer and filmmaker who lives and works in New York City. She was born in Taiyuan, an industrial city located in northern China. She graduated from the MFA program in Photography, Video and Related Media department of the School of Visual Arts. Sihan Cui has been committed to documentary photography and documentary filmmaking. She has been focusing on the diversification of social communities, the living reality of social minorities, and the public's stereotypes of them. Her photography project “520”, which is about the betel nuts beauty in Taiwan, was shown at the 17th Pingyao Photography Festival. Sihan Cui went to the School of Visual Arts for the MFA program in September 2018. After moving to New York, she noticed that Chinese immigrants' living status in New York is very special and complicated, especially for the "new immigrants" who moved to America after the 1980s. She began to focus on the situation of Chinese labor immigrants in the United States and has been working on a series of projects about that. Among them, the project "After 365 days" has been shown in several exhibitions, including the Ph21 Photography Gallery in Budapest, and was published in several publications including Dodho Magazine.